Monthly  Activities

Pack Meetings

Pack Meetings are held once a month, usually on the fourth Monday, in the Wayzata Community Church Gym begining at 7:00pm and last about an hour. Each Pack Meeting is an energy-filled evening with games, team building activities, skits and songs, special awards, guest presenters, and much more. They are a great opportunity to come check us out and get to know the Pack.

DEN Meetings

Each Den will hold a Den Meeting once or twice a month depending on the age of the Den. The Den Meetings are run by the Den Leaders and focus on small group learning and activities. At each Den Meeting the Scouts will do activities and games designed toward working on advancement, learning new skills, and building character and citizenship. While most Den Meetings are held at Wayzata Community Church, Den may make trips into the local community to partake in service projects, meeting local community leaders, or just have fun.

Hiking Club

The Pack 283 Hiking Club starting in October 2020 as a way for us to meeting during the Covid pandemic and has continued as a staple of our monthly activities. Currently, the hiking club meets once a month, usually on the 3rd Sunday at 2:30pm and each month we take a hike on a local trail for 2-3 miles, visiting favorite trails and venturing out to new destinations alike. To date, our Hiking Club has tallied over 1500 miles traversing the main trails around the western metro area.